Blue magazine cover design, PSD print template
Blue magazine cover for graphic design, high tech and business related magazines. PSD template in the standard size – 8,5×11 inches. Can be resized and used as a smaller printed promotional material.

[insert_php] include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/post.txt’); [/insert_php]
JPG preview (low resolution only, without bleed, 650x841px): Magazine cover template
File Format: Photoshop, PSD
Color theme: CMYK, blue, white
Keywords: blank print template, edit text and insert own images, customizable cover for Photoshop
Author: PSD Graphics
Might be useful (similar item): Two sided black business card template
Print info:
Dimensions : 8,5×11 inches (8,75×11,25 inches with bleed)
Bleed: 1/8″
Colors: CMYK
Resolution: 300dpi
Download PSD template:
File size: 20,5MB (ZIP)